Thursday, January 27, 2011

KE Day 1

I slept on the floor last night. Well, I put down a pretty think sleeping bag and slept on top it with a couple of blankets and pillows. I'm a side sleeper, so sleeping on the floor is fairly uncomfortable for me because the hard floor jams my collarbone into my shoulder a bit. I never got cold. I never got wet. I never had to worry that someone was going to do something to me while I was asleep. Although, I will say that I felt somehow more vulnerable while I was on the floor. Our bedroom doesn't offer the safety of a panic room or anything like it, so I'm not sure where the feeling was coming from. Maybe just a small part of me was experiencing what a homeless person has to endure all the time multiplied by infinity.

I still slept pretty well. I woke up more than usual to switch sides, but I slept pretty well. The fact that I did sleep well reminded how much I am not poor. How much I don't know about being poor and have never known poverty. Perhaps by the end of this week I will truly thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on us instead of just paying Him lip service before a meal.

The other part of the experiment was to limit my consumption of electricity by only using my computer for graduate school work while I was at home. You see, I come home every afternoon and usually turn on the TV, even if it's to not watch it. I just like the noise. Each morning I get ready to an episode of The Office that I stream from Netflix, and I usually go to bed after watching an episode of something (right now it's Battlestar Galactica...go ahead and insert geek joke here). This morning was very quiet to me. I showered, shaved and ate breakfast in silence which I haven't done in a long time. It gave me more time to pray, which I can say I did pray more than an average morning, but I quickly found my mind wandering to other topics during my "prayer". If I gain anything from this experiment, I hope to gain a little more spiritual discipline.

This afternoon I'll come home and I won't watch TV. I won't check Facebook. I won't play Angry Birds. I won't watch The Office tonight. What will I do instead? Stay tuned.

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