Monday, February 14, 2011

So this week is blessed are the meek. I have really found a lot of joy from the experiments this week. The first week was physically challenging and made me want to complain a lot. The second week was more spiritually challenge and trying to discipline myself to pray more thoroughly (think I failed this week). But this week has been really fun and satisfying. And it has really shown me that I don't have to do incredible things to make a small but positive difference in someone's day. I decided to do a positive facebook post each day to give a shout-out (a virtual pat on the back) to someone I admire, respect, appreciate their efforts. It has been challenging to try to think of people beyond my core group of friends that I can lift up, not that I don't want to lift up my core group of friends, but I want to try to think of people that impact my life in a positive way and they might not even know it.

So far these are the people I have recognized: Thursday-school counselors (wrote all three of ours a note of appreciation) and some talented co-workers, Friday-our school's head custodian (wrote a note of appreciation), Saturday- Krista Petty- CCC administrator , Sunday- two people in our Sunday school that have been instrumental in getting us involved to "adopt" an orphanage in Honduras, Today- Shannon Coley (happens to also be a Sunday school member) who is always so upbeat and positive.

Many of the people I have recognized are not my friend on facebook, but I don't think that is the point. For me the point is to do or say something positive without getting or even expecting something in return. However, I do know it brightened someone's day. I wrote a handwritten note to our head custodian on Friday and put it in our faculty/staff mailbox. I saw her this morning before school began and she said "Thank you. It really means a lot."

1 comment:

  1. 'Just passin thru' I enjoyed your blog but at the moment as we are in the process of a move aahhhh... hope it will be our last. I can't view much but would love a comment if you get time...
    I do have family pics on my earlier Yorkshire garden Blog also xanga which I can't publish here for some reason..... LOL
    'Blessings from across the Pond'
