Wednesday, February 2, 2011

KE Day 7

Well, last night was our last night on the floor and the last night for no TV, etc. I hoped I've gained a little perspective this week about what the poor actually experience. I think the main thing I'll take away from the week's experiment is that feeling of desperation that the poor must feel. I know I was so ready for the week to be over and it seemed like it never would end. I can only imagine what that would be like for someone with no end in sight.

As I got a little more cranky during the week, I could easily see how the poor can fall into the traps of drugs, alcohol, etc. How do you cope with the despair when there's no end in sight? I would like to say that I would pray and hope God would take care of me, but is my faith that strong? Despair is a powerful force in Satan's arsenal, and one that does a lot of damage. Ironically, it's the one that probably needs to exist the least. If people began to give more and waste less on themselves and the material world, how much despair could we eradicate? I think it would a mighty victory for the Kingdom.

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