Wednesday, February 9, 2011

KE--Week 2


I'm afraid I've done a pretty crappy job this week of journaling. I think it's because I've had a hard time identifying with "Those Who Mourn". I wrote a couple of letters to soldiers and prayed (sparingly) for Egypt and the Sudan. While I'm disappointed in myself for not really giving the effort this week like I did last week, I have learned this week that I don't know what it means to truly mourn. I've never lost anyone or anything so important to me that I mourned, and I think that's why I've had a hard time this week.

I do think that we were also called to mourn the sins of others, and that is a hard thing as well. I'm going through a time right now where I'm really trying to not be judgmental, but it seems that I immediately fall to judgment so quickly. That's something I've been praying a lot for lately is to accept people and love them unconditionally, even when they drive me crazy. So I think mourning for their sins, when they could just not do the things that they know are wrong, is a hard concept for me to really buy into, even though I know it's what Christ calls us to do.


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