Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Adam - Week 1, Day 7, 10:30 AM

Well, last day of my "hunger strike." I opted to skip breakfast and snacks today, since I have a lunch meeting with some local youth leaders.

This week has certainly had its ups and downs. It's honestly a little bittersweet to be ending. This thing that has caused me discomfort, mood swings, and a very mild suffering has also been the one thing that, strangely enough, has been a constant in my spiritual walk with the Lord this week.

I feel a little like Tom Hanks in Cast Away when he finally escapes the island. Obviously, he's ready for that experience to be over, but as he looks back from his raft one last time at the island, and Alan Silvestri's orchestra swells (the first time in the whole movie you hear a soundtrack, by the way), there's this little melancholy moment. The thing which caused so much suffering and tribulation (i.e. the island) was also the thing that had offered him so much, sustained him, and radically changed him. What seemed to be an enemy at first turned out to be a tool of his own reshaping.

Here's clip. The moment happens around 1:57...

I feel a little of that, though I am certainly ready to go back to "normal." At the same time, I hope I've grown as a person and that my normal won't be so normal anymore. I hope that I am changed and can approach hunger, my own and other people's, in a totally different way. I hope I'm more reliant on and thankful to God for everything, including my very basic needs.

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