Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So it is the end of week two. I don't think I got as much out of this week as I did from the first week, but I know it is because I didn't put as much into this week. Last week was sleeping on the floor at night and if I didn't sleep on the floor it was obvious. But this week has been different. This week my challenge was to pray for the people of a country (Mexico), especially the people who are in mourning/grieving. The first day was good. I did some research and it opened my eyes to the violence that is tearing cities in Mexico apart. But after the first day, I got slack. And I know it is because there was no accountability for me. How could someone know if I prayed or not. And I did pray- a little. I prayed in my car, I prayed when I felt guilt for not praying, I prayed yesterday when I remembered that tomorrow is the new chapter in Bible study and I didn't have much to show for this week. I prayed for those who had lost families, and I prayed for those who had family members who just "disappeared". I prayed for families whose loved ones weren't at home because they are in the US trying to make money and make a better life for their families. And today I did some more research. Turns out there was more violence yesterday- 3 boys were killed at a car dealership. They were shot 17 times with a semi-automatic weapon (commonly used by the drug cartel). This story also mentioned last week's shooting (see previous post). It went on to say that in 48 hours last week-14 people were killed. This country has no shortage of grieving mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, daughters and sons. My heart aches for them and for the ones doing the killing.

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